Product Information

Date(s) - 02/23/2018 - 02/25/2018
12:00 am

Fort Wolters

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Group III CAC is hosting an Airman Leadership School (ALS) on 23-25 February 2018 at Fort Wolters, Mineral Wells. The primary purpose of ALS is to teach cadets leadership skills, drill, customs and courtesies, and embrace the core values. Training is geared toward airman cadets including airman basics. Also, this is an opportunity to improve proficiency and training of cadet and senior staff. This group level event will provide cadets and seniors an opportunity to network with other CAP members across the Wing.

Who: All Cadet Airmen with all levels of experience
When: 23- 25 February 2018. Basic Cadets arrive at 1800-1900. Staff arrive at 1600-1730

Cost: $35 for Cadets and Senior Members

Location: Fort Wolters, Mineral Wells, Texas

Attendee payment/sign up
Go to for the Ops Plan and activity forms
Seniors interested in mentoring: please fill out the application on the above web page
Please direct questions to Capt Lana Holub at LMHOLUB@GMAIL.COM