2018 Mission Aircrew School: Cancelled
Product Information
Date(s) - 02/10/2018 - 02/11/2018
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
US Aviation Academy at the Denton Enterprise Airport
Cancelled – We will revisit holding a MAS later in 2018
Nighthawk Squadron will be holding a Mission Aircrew School (MAS) 10-11 February 2018. This will cover the ground school portion of the training required to qualify as a Mission Scanner aircrew member.
The MAS will be held at the US Aviation Academy at Denton Municipal Airport. This will be a condensed program concentrating on what makes you effective in the aircraft and will include a lot of tabletop exercise work as well as introduction to the use of tablet devices for search planning. You will need to bring to class notebook, pen, pencil, DFW sectional chart (does not need to be current), a plotter, and a calculator or E6B.
This course is open to members wanting to qualify for MO/MS as well as those already qualified who want a refresher.
Mission Aircrew School Prerequisites:
Age 18 or older
Completed Level 1, CPPT, Basic Safety, EO, OPSEC, Ground Handling Video
Completed General Emergency Services (GES)
Completed online IS-100 and IS-700 online FEMA ICS courses
Completed ICUT
Commander’s Approval for training on SQTR
Please sign-up here if you plan on attending.
Reference material: http://nesa.cap.gov/mas-curriculum-2
Bookings are closed for this event.