Cadet Meeting – AE, Promotions, Change of Command for Cadet Commander, and Christmas Pot Luck
Product Information
Date(s) - 12/16/2019
6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Woolfolk Hangar
Categories No Categories
Greetings Nighthawk, Family and Friends,
We have an exciting Nighthawk meeting planned, Monday, December 16 and everyone is welcome.Â
It will include a shortened Aerospace Education lesson followed by Promotions, Change of Command Ceremony and Christmas Potluck.
Uniform of the Day
UOD is Blues.
Food Coordination
2d Lt Ayesha Rosenfeld is coordinating food for the potluck. Please see the signups at:
Tentative Schedule
6:30 – Cadet formation
7:00 – Promotions
7:30 – Potluck