Denton Airshow 2015
Product Information
Date(s) - 06/20/2015
6:00 am - 4:00 pm
Woolfolk Hangar
It’s an Airshow!
Civil Air Patrol has been asked to help out with the Denton Airshow at the Denton Enterprise Airport.
We will be helping with vehicle parking and various support activities. We need both senior members and cadets to help promote CAP to the airshow attendees. We will be setting up a recruiting/information booth around the local CAP aircraft so one or more pilots are requested to assist.
UOD will be BDUs for cadets and either BDUs or Blue Polo for seniors. Safety Vest and hydration pack are required. Sunscreen and insect repellent are highly recommended. Lunch will be provided. All members should have CAPF160 and CAPF161. Cadets will also need to bring a CAPF32 permission slip.
Any questions should be directed toward Capt Albert Welch.
We will be meeting at the Woolfolk Hangar (see map) at 0600.
Bookings are closed for this event.