February SAREX

Product Information

Date(s) - 02/06/2015 - 02/08/2015
All Day

Denton Airport (CAP Hangar)


Time once again for demonstrating what you’ve learned or working on a new skill.  Please indicate the ES qualifications that you are interested in.

All operations will be out of the Denton Enterprise Airport.  Ground operations will stage out of the Woolfolk hangar and will be done in the areas around Denton.  Aircraft will base at the US Aviation ramp and will work on air-ground coordination, aerial photography, search patterns, etc. primarily in the areas north of Denton.

All personnel should report to the Woolfolk hangar for check-in and in brief.  Bring your CAPID and CAPF161 and wear an appropriate uniform.

For those wanting to work on Incident Staff (MSA, GBD, etc.) please contact Capt Mark Hammack (hammackm@dentoncap.org) or John Keizer (jkeizer@uptg.com).


Bookings are closed for this event.