ICS-400 class

Product Information

Date(s) - 12/10/2016 - 12/11/2016
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

US Aviation


This course provides training and resources for personnel who require advanced application of the ICS. This course expands upon information covered in ICS-100 through ICS-300 courses. These earlier courses are prerequisites for ICS-400.

While FEMA provides standard course materials, this course is typically coordinated and taught in the field by State or other agencies. It is intended for senior personnel who are expected to perform in a management capacity in an area command or multiagency coordination entity.

Materials will be provided electronically, please bring a laptop or tablet to view the materials.

NOTERegistration for this event has been closed on the dentoncap.org website.  To register for the class, please logon to Preparing Texas and register for the G-400 Advanced Incident Command System, Command and General Staff course, 12/10/2016 – 12/11/2016 Denton, TX.  The direct link to the course is: preparingtexas.org