LoneStar Emergency Services Academy South (LESA South)

Product Information

Date(s) - 12/26/2016 - 12/31/2016
All Day

Brownsville South Padre Island Int'l AIrport


Civil Air Patrol members,

The 2016 LoneStar Emergency Services Academy South (LESA South) will take place in Brownsville, Texas from 26 – 31 December 2016. We are now ready to accept applications for the LESA South from cadets and seniors who have a desire to enhance individual, and ground team and communicator skills in a week long, in the field, “REDCAP” setting. Courses offered will be Basic Ground Team Course, Advanced (Leader) GT Course, Communicators School, and Medical Orientation Training School (MOTS) .
The activity will be held at the Civil Air Patrol National Training Center, located at the Brownsville International Airport, Brownsville, Texas, and using facilities and/or field training locations on or near the airport. The primary purpose of this activity is to provide basic skills for Ground Team Members (GTM) 3 and 2, and advance skills for GTM 1 and Ground Team Leaders (GTL) skills in ground search and rescue to eligible cadets and seniors.
Qualification and Application Requirements are located on the Wing Website.
Basic and advanced ground team and communicator skills will be taught and learned to improve leadership ability through classroom and practical exercises. LESA South will conduct Emergency Services training leading toward the following certifications:
– MSA, MRO, GTM-3, GTM-2, GTM-1, and GTL.
– Plus additional updated training in ground photo damage assessment and disaster relief operations.
Overnight bivouac will be for the entire training school (26 Dec. until 31 Dec.)
All applications must be received NO LATER THAN December 1, 2016.
Please feel free to contact me at LESASouth@txwgcap.org, or 956-755-9539 (cell after 4:30 pm weekdays), 866-208-0133 (fax) if you have any questions, and I hope to see members from around the country attending.

The cost for the LESA South is $150.00 and covers the following items:
  • Meals for the week
  • Ground Team Task Book
  • Activity T-Shirt
  • Patch,
  • and Activity shoulder cord if you earn it!!!!
  • Along with NCSA credit and ribbon.
REGISTRATION IS OPEN at www.lesasouth2016.eventbrite.com
…plus all the training fun you can handle in the South Texas environment.
Attached to the web site ( www.lesasouth.com) are the required forms; once you have been accepted, an attendee list will follow. Cadet/Seniors/staff need to fill out the same forms. If you are interested in apply for staff, please contact me for availability.

Please complete your online registration and payment at: lesasouth2016.eventbrite.com.

Please forward all GT school paperwork to the following address. All completed forms must be faxed or scanned and emailed to LESASouth@txwgcap.org by December 1, 2016.

Hope to see all of you wishing to increase your ES skills during a great week of training, see you soon.

LESA South
Juan Arredondo, Lt. Col., CAP
495 South Amelia Earhart Dr
Brownsville, Texas 78526
Cell 956-755-9539
Fax 866-208-0133
Email: LESASouth@txwgcap.org