Model Rocketry Launch

Product Information

Date(s) - 04/30/2016
7:45 am - 2:00 pm

Denton North Lakes Park


This event is for members and invited guests of the Nighthawk Composite Squadron.


The time has come to launch ROCKETS!  The cadets have been hard at work learning about rocketry and now they get to apply what they’ve learned.  So come on out!

Who: All Nighthawk Cadets, Parents, and Family Members (Prospective Cadets welcome too)

What:  Titan and Saturn Phase Rocket Launch

When:  Saturday, 30 April,  0800-1400  (Inclement weather makeup date is 21 May)

Where:  Denton’s North Lakes Park (near 2005 N Bonnie Brae St.)

Uniform: Physical Training uniform (black shorts, black t-shirt, running shoes, sunscreen)

Proposed Schedule:

  • 0700:  Advanced Party arrives to reserve/secure launch site
  • 0745:  Cadets, Guests & Parents arrive
  • 0800 – 0830:  Cadet Formation, Roll Call, Safety Brief, Morning Physical Training Warmup
  • 0830 – 1230:  Rocket Launches (Titan & Saturn Phase Rockets)
  • 1230 – 1300:  Awarding of Badges
  • 1300 – 1330:  Picnic Lunch
  • 1330 – 1400:  Cleanup

To complete the program and earn their rocketry badges, Cadets must bring and successfully launch 3 Rockets as per the program requirements (see info sheet below).  Certificates and badges will be presented at the conclusion of the event.  Picnic lunch to follow.

PARENTS, FAMILY MEMBERS & SENIOR MEMBERS!  Come watch our Cadets earn their rocketry badges! Additionally, we do need SENIOR MEMBER & PARENT VOLUNTEERS to bring items and prepare food for a picnic lunch. If you’re interested in helping, please contact Lt Col John Thurman via email  State whether you would like to bring food and or outdoor event items.

Some likely items we’ll need to serve an estimated 50 people:

  • Cold drinks: coolers full of ice, bottled water, and some soda
  • Hamburger patties & buns
  • Hotdogs & buns
  • Chips: Doritos, Lays, Ruffles, etc.
  • Side dishes: potato salad, cole slaw, etc.
  • Deserts: cookies, brownies, etc.
  • Sliced American Cheese
  • Condiments: mustard, ketchup, onions, relish, pickles, sliced tomatos, lettuce, etc
  • Charcoal
  • Grilling Utensils
  • Paper plates
  • Aluminum Serving Pans/Trays, Aluminum foil
  • Trash bags: large
  • Napkins


Lt Col John Thurman. Mob: 940-268-8807,

Senior Member Ann Milbitz,



Dear Nighthawk Parents,                                                                                            UPDATED: 15 APRIL 2016

  1. OVERVIEW. In accordance with the Civil Air Patrol mission of promoting Aerospace Education, Nighthawk Composite Squadron will kickoff the basic CAP Model Rocketry Program this month. The program will run approximately 4 months and will consist of classroom instruction, hands-on model rocket construction, and rocket launches. This is a great opportunity for your Cadet to advance his/her aerospace knowledge in a fun and exciting way.
  1. PHASES. The basic CAP Model Rocketry Program consists of three phases of increasing complexity; 1st Phase: “REDSTONE”, 2nd Phase “TITAN”, 3rd Phase “SATURN”. A certificate will be awarded upon the successful completion of each phase. Additionally, the CAP Model Rocketry Badge and Patch will be awarded upon completion of all three phases.

First Phase “REDSTONE”. Cadets will scratch-build two pneumatically powered rockets using various “junk” material such as cardboard, construction paper, plastic soda bottles, etc. Additional material your Cadet should try to bring for the REDSTONE model build are:

  • Scrap cardboard from discarded box (approximately 1 square foot)
  • Empty cardboard toilet paper and paper towel rolls
  • 2-liter plastic soda bottles

Second Phase “TITAN”. During this phase, Cadets will build two rockets from commercial kits.

  • First Kit. The squadron will provide your Cadet his/her first model rocket, an Estes “ALPHA III”, at no cost. Included with this model will be a solid fuel rocket motor for their test flight.
  • Second Kit. The second model rocket kit and rocket motors must be purchased by the Cadet. The squadron made a bulk purchase of Level 1 rockets which are available for $5

Third Phase “SATURN”. This phase will require your Cadet to purchase and construct a slightly more advanced rocket of their choice. The price for this kit ranges between $12 and $25, while rocket motors range in price from $2 to $4 each. These models, along with rocket motors can readily be purchased at local hobby stores or online. has some very reasonable prices. The model should meet the following requirements:

  • Either a Skill Level 1 or Skill Level 2 kit, and…
  • Is a 2-stage rocket, or capable of lifting a 2oz. payload.
  • Some suggested model rocket kits that meet the “SATURN” Phase requirements:
    • Estes brand rockets: “Eggscalibur”, “Loadstar II”, “Astron Elliptic II”, “Air Commander”, and “Savage”.
    • Quest brand rockets: “PayloaderONE”, “Gamma Ray” and “Courier”.
  1. CONSRUCTION. Model Rocketry classes, model construction and launches will be split between designated Monday evening meetings and Saturdays. Though some model rocket construction will be conducted as a group, your Cadet should work on their models at home.

In order to participate in the program, there are some basic tools and supplies your Cadet will need in their personal model rocket building kit:

  • Hobby knife (“Exacto” type or “snap blade”)
  • Scissors
  • Wood glue
  • White glue
  • Super Glue
  • Scotch tape
  • Masking tape
  • Duct tape
  • Sandpaper: 240 & 400 grit
  • Model paints (optional)
  1. LAUNCH DAY. Saturday, 30 April at Denton’s North Lakes Park, 0800-1300. Parents and family members are invited to attend the launch in conjunction with a Family Day Picnic. We do need parent volunteers to coordinate and host the picnic lunch for the Cadets. If you are interested in helping, please contact Lt Col John Thurman.

Senior Member Ann Milbitz,

Lt Col John Thurman. Mob: 940-268-8807,



Bookings are closed for this event.