November SAREX

Product Information

Date(s) - 11/14/2014 - 11/16/2014
All Day

Denton Airport (CAP Hangar)


TXWG Group VI will be participating in the November statewide Distributed SAREX.  These exercises are when we get to practice and demonstrate our skills and receive training toward higher skill sets.  They are also a time to work together at the Group level to expand our network of ES team members.

The Incident Command Post will be at the Woolfolk hangar at the Denton Airport.  Air operations will be conducted from the US Aviation ramp at Denton Airport as well.  Ground operations will be held at Lake Ray Roberts which is just north of Denton, TX.

Be sure to select the ES qualifications (multiple may be selected) that you will be working on during the exercise.  If you will be bringing a CAP asset (van or airplane), please note that in the comment box provided.

Night Air operations may be available if there is enough interest.


Please contact Capt Mark Hammack  Grp VI ESO ( if you have any questions.



Bookings are closed for this event.