Southwest Airlines Tour

Product Information

Date(s) - 06/26/2021
All Day

Southwest Hdq

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2021-06-26 Photos

We had a wonderful time at the Southwest Airlines Simulator Experience. Please find the pictures here:

To see the photos from our previous visit during December 23, 2019, you can find those photos here:

2021-06-21 Update

Southwest Airlines has confirmed our visit and we have received our entry passes. Be sure to check the Itinerary for the schedule of events and comply with the Uniform of the Day. There will be an inspection before departure. Please have hair in regulations. Floppy mop haircuts will not be allowed to participate.

Date & Time

Saturday, June 26 10:00 – 14:00

What We Will See

We have been invited to visit Southwest Airlines Training and Operations Center. This tour is open to everyone.

Cadets, come fly a Boeing 737 Simulator and find out how Southwest Airlines trains its pilots for every conceivable situation.

The plan is to focus on flying the devices and explain the phases of training.

We will tour the new facility and learn about the purpose of the design and structure.

In addition, we will tour the maintenance areas and Engineering stations. Objective: to better understand the responsibilities of maintaining devices to the highest aircraft fidelity standards.

We will be splitting into groups of 4 or 5. Hopefully we can secure 3 or 4 simulators to assure everyone experiences takeoffs, landings, extreme weather, and various malfunctions.


Date: Saturday, June 26 @ 10:00 – 14:00

Woolfolk Hangar
8:45 Arrive at Hangar Woolfolk Hangar
8:50 Cadet Uniform Inspection Woolfolk Hangar
9:00 – 9:45 Depart for Southwest Airline Woolfolk Hangar
Southwest Headquarters/Dallas Love Field
10:00 Arrival/Badging/Welcome HDQ LEAD Lobby
10:15 – 13:00 (3hrs) Flight Operations Training HDQ LEAD Center
13:00 – 14:00 Departure and Lunch Cadets’ Choice
Woolfolk Hangar
15:00 Return to Woolfolk Hangar

Uniform of the Day


  • Class B Blues
  • or ironed business casual with a preference towards light blue shirt and dark navy trousers with black shoes and socks.
  • Hair must be in CAPR 39-1 Chapter 3 Page 17-18 regulations. Floppy mop haircuts will not be allowed to participate.

Seniors: Class B Blues or Aviator Whites. Corporate uniform otherwise.
Family Members: Business casual

Requirements for Entry

Adults: Government Issued ID and Registration Pass
Cadets: CAP ID and Registration Pass

Tour Signup: – Closed

Click here to signup for tour.

Event Location & Parking:

Southwest Airlines HDQ LEAD Center
2195 Research Row
Dallas TX 75235
Map to Location