Texas Wing CTEP

Product Information

Date(s) - 03/09/2018 - 03/11/2018
12:00 am

HQ, Texas Wing, Civil Air Patrol

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On the weekend of 9-11 March 2018 a Cadet Training and Education Program (CTEP) Leadership School and a Training Leaders of Cadets (TLC) will be held at Texas Wing Headquarters, Nacogdoches, Texas. CTEP is a Wing-level activity that promotes standardization and enrichment of training at the NCO level and professional cadet education for cadet officers that focuses on taking your place among the cadet leaders of our Wing.

TLC is a senior training activity that focuses on individuals that work with the cadet program. TLC students will receive credit for the Training Leaders of Cadets program (both basic and intermediate courses).

Cadets and Seniors planning to attend this school must submit a CAPF 31 (or whatever replaces it), 160, 161, and 163 to Chaplain Nancy Smalley and pay via the EventBrite linkhttps://www.eventbrite.com/e/2018-tx-wing-spring-cteptlc-tickets-41821194318 NLT

Eventbrite – Texas Wing Cadet Programs presents 2018 TX Wing Spring CTEP/TLC – Friday, March 9, 2018 | Sunday, March 11, 2018at Texas Wing Headquarters, Nacogdoches, TX. Find event and ticket information.

16 February 2018. Cadets and Squadron Commanders are strongly urged to go to the cadet programs website http://www.texascadet.org/ctep.html to review the CTEP