TX Wing SAR Competition (Aircrew)
Product Information
Date(s) - 02/27/2016
All Day
Event will be held in the Austin area.
Maj SteveĀ Robertson, CAP
Texas Wing Director of Emergency Services
Civil Air Patrol, U.S. Air Force Auxiliary
1) Spot landing contest
a. The IC will designate a marking on the runway which will be the same for all aircraft. Aircraft landing prior to the designated spot will receive zero (0) points.
b. Aircraft landing closest: 10 points. Aircraft landing second closest: 5 points. Aircraft landing third closest: 3 points.
c. Aircraft must have the pilot and observer aboard. Scanner is optional.
d. Each aircraft receives two attempts. Only highest score will count per aircraft. After aircraft is complete, it will taxi in and next aircraft will be released.
2) Power off landing contest
a. The IC will designate a marking on the runway which will be the same for all aircraft. Pilot will pull all power in the pattern abeam to runway marking.
b. Application of power at any point after passing abeam touchdown point will disqualify aircraft for that turn, but will not deduct points.
c. Any unsafe landing, as judged by the IC or Safety Officer, will disqualify the aircraft for the entire event and count negative ten (-10) points. In no event should the aircraft become so low or attempt to “stretch the glide” in such manner that it is deemed unsafe.
d. Aircraft landing closest (plus or minus to point): 10 points. Aircraft landing second closest: 5 points. Aircraft landing third closest: 3 points.
e. Aircraft must have the pilot and observer aboard. Scanner is optional.
f. Each aircraft receives two attempts. Only highest score will count per aircraft. After aircraft is complete, it will taxi in and next aircraft will be released.
3) Preflight contest
a. Pilot will preflight an aircraft that has been “prepared” by the IC.
b. Pilots properly completing the preflight will receive 5 points for his/her team. In the event no pilot completely preflights correctly, the pilot with the highest score will receive 5 points.
4) Aircraft knowledge quiz
a. A 20-question written quiz will be given to each flight crew specific to a Cessna 172-P model aircraft. The quiz will include action memory items, speeds, limitations, and other accessible information from the pilot’s operating handbook.
b. The quiz will be closed-book and timed at 10 minutes.
c. The team may work together.
d. One half of a point (0.5) will be won for each question answered correctly, earning a maximum of 10 points per team for this event.
5) Photography mission
a. The IC will designate a particular artifact to be photographed. The artifact will be the same for all teams, but will only be told to each team when it is their turn.
b. Once told, the team will have 1 hour to return with four photographs (each cardinal direction) of the artifact. The 1 hour includes the team’s internal briefing, paperwork,
the sortie, the sortie return, and loading the four chosen photographs onto a computer. The team will lose 1 point for each minute after 1 hour. The team will be allowed to “preload” whatever information they are able such as weight & balance and portions of the e104 they can without knowing the target site ahead of time.
c. Incomplete paperwork will deduct 1 point for each error identified.
d. As judged by the IC, the best photographs (photo quality, aircraft position, cardinal direction, etc) will receive 10 points; second best 5 points, third best 3 points.
e. Aircraft must have the pilot and observer aboard. Scanner is optional, but recommended.
f. Once a team lands their aircraft, the next team will be briefed on the target artifact and their 1 hour timer will begin.
6) ELT mission
a. A practice beacon will be planted. The location will be the same for all teams, but only one team will be active at a time.
b. A team will be given a grid coordinate. Once told, the team will have 1 hour to return with their analysis of the lat/long of the beacon’s position. The answer must be handed over in writing to the IC, back at the based, within 1 hour of the start. The 1 hour includes the team’s internal briefing, paperwork, the sortie, the sortie return, and turning over the location. The team will lose 1 point for each minute after 1 hour. The team will be allowed to “preload” whatever information they are able such as weight & balance and portions of the e104 they can without knowing the target site ahead of time.
c. Incomplete paperwork will deduct 1 point for each error identified.
d. Aircraft must have the pilot and observer aboard. Scanner is optional, but recommended.
e. The team that comes closest to the actual location of the ELT (via great circle distance calculator) will earn 10 points; second closest 5 points; third closest 3 points.
7) Uniform Inspection
a. All teams are expected to be in an approved uniform. All teams will be evaluated. 1 point will be deducted from a team’s overall score for each uniform infraction identified on the team members.